Our Services - Body Corporate Management

The fundamental nature of strata management is to perform the core duties contained in the agreement.
The core duties of a strata manager come down to five broad areas –

  • convening attending and minuting meetings;

  • maintaining and preparing the bank accounts, budgets and statements of account;

  • levying owners for their contribution to the administrative fund and sinking fund;

  • maintaining the roll and records of the body corporate; and

  • affecting and maintaining insurance for the body corporate.

The additional services that we often provide include, for example –

  • convening attending and minuting extraordinary general meetings;

  • preparing resolutions outside of a committee meeting (called ‘flying minutes’);

  • processing applications for the consent to transfer of management rights;

  • preparing materials for professional advisors such as lawyers, valuers, quantity surveyors and accountants; and

  • organising quotes from trades people for property maintenance.

Our role as Strata Manager is to perform these core duties, and provide additional services and follow the reasonable directions as requested by the body corporate and Committee.  In essence, we act under instruction rather than make decisions on behalf of the Body Corporate.  This is as it should be.  We are engaged by the body corporate to provide a service.  Decisions about your body corporate should be made by the owners and Committee.

Our services standards:

From our many years of experience in strata management we know that the most important thing that you are looking for in a strata manager is effective communication skills.  Our surveys show that this is twice as important as any other issue.
Accordingly, we have developed a set of agreed service levels which we strive to meet every day. Our internal systems and training are built around these service levels.

Nature of service            Target service levels

Returning telephone calls                              Within 24 hours

Allocating work orders                                   Within 24 hours

Acknowledging emails                                   Within 48 hours

Acknowledging letters                                   Within five days

Distributing minutes                                       Within 14 days

Actioning minutes                                          Within 14 days

Payment of creditors                                      Daily

Bank reconciliations                                       Daily